
Reshard a keyspace to achieve horizontal scaling

These workflows can have a significant impact on the source tablets (which are often in production) — especially when a PRIMARY tablet is used as a source. You can limit the impact on the source tablets using the --vreplication_copy_phase_max_* vttablet flags

Description #

Reshard is used to create and manage workflows to horizontally shard an existing keyspace. The source keyspace can be unsharded or sharded.

Command #

Please see the Reshard command reference for a full list of sub-commands and their flags.

The Basic Reshard Workflow Lifecycle #

  1. Initiate the migration using create
    Reshard --workflow <workflow> --target-keyspace <target-keyspace> create --source-shards <source-shards> --target-shards <target-shards>
  2. Monitor the workflow using show or status
    Reshard --workflow <workflow> --target-keyspace <target-keyspace> show
    Reshard --workflow <workflow> --target-keyspace <target-keyspace> status
  3. Confirm that data has been copied over correctly using VDiff
  4. Cutover to the target keyspace with SwitchTraffic
    Reshard --workflow <workflow> --target-keyspace <target-keyspace> switchtraffic
  5. Cleanup vreplication artifacts and source shards with complete
    Reshard --workflow <workflow> --target-keyspace <target-keyspace> complete

Parameters #

Action #

Reshard is an "umbrella" command. The action or sub-command defines the operation on the workflow.

Create #

create sets up and creates a new workflow. The workflow name should not conflict with that of an existing workflow.

Show #

show displays useful information about a workflow — including recent logs.

Status #

status (or progress) reports the progress of a workflow by showing the percentage of data copied across targets, if workflow is in copy state, and the replication lag between the target and the source once the copy phase is completed. It also shows the current state of traffic for the tables involved in the workflow.

It is too expensive to get real-time row counts of tables, using count(*), say. So we use the statistics available in the information_schema to approximate copy progress. This data can be significantly off (up to 50-60%) depending on the utilization of the underlying mysql server resources. You can manually run ANALYZE TABLE to update the statistics if so desired.

SwitchTraffic #

SwitchTraffic switches traffic forward for the tablet-types specified. This replaces the previous SwitchReads and SwitchWrites commands with a single one. It is now possible to switch all traffic with just one command, and this is the default behavior. Also, you can now switch replica, rdonly and primary traffic in any order: earlier you needed to first SwitchReads (for replicas and rdonly tablets) first before SwitchWrites.

ReverseTraffic #

ReverseTraffic switches traffic in the reverse direction for the tablet-types specified. The traffic should have been previously switched forward using SwitchTraffic for the cells and tablet_types specified.

Cancel #

cancel can be used if a workflow was created in error or was misconfigured and you prefer to create a new workflow instead of fixing this one. Cancel can only be called if no traffic has been switched. It removes vreplication-related artifacts like rows from vreplication and copy_state tables in the sidecar _vt database along with the new target shards from the topo and, by default, the target tables on the target keyspace (see --keep-data and --rename-tables).

Complete #

This is a destructive command

complete is used after all traffic has been switched. It removes vreplication-related artifacts like rows from vreplication and copy_state tables in the sidecar _vt database along with the original source shards from the topo. By default, the source tables are also dropped on the source shards (see --keep-data and --rename-tables) .

options #

Each action or sub-command has additional options/parameters that can be used to modify its behavior. Please see the command's reference docs for the full list of command options or flags. actions are common to both MoveTables and Reshard workflows. Only the create action has different parameters, all other actions have common options and similar semantics. Below we will add additional information for a subset of key options.

--auto-start #

default true

Normally the workflow starts immediately after it is created. If this flag is set to false then the workflow is in a Stopped state until you explicitly start it.

Uses #
  • Allows updating the rows in _vt.vreplication after Reshard has setup the streams. For example, you can add some filters to specific tables or change the projection clause to modify the values on the target. This provides an easier way to create simpler Materialize workflows by first using Reshard with auto_start false, updating the BinlogSource as required by your Materialize and then start the workflow.
  • Changing the copy_state and/or pos values to restart a broken Reshard workflow from a specific point of time

--cells #

default local cell (of source tablet)

Comma seperated list of Cell(s) and/or CellAlias(es) to replicate from.

Uses #
  • Improve performance by picking a tablet in cells in network proximity with the target
  • Reduce bandwidth costs by skipping cells that are in different availability zones
  • Select cells where replica lags are lower

--defer-secondary-keys #

default false

This flag is currently experimental.

If true, any secondary keys are dropped from the table definitions on the target shard(s) as we first initialize the tables for the copy phase. The exact same key definitions are then re-added when the copy phase completes for each table.

With this method all secondary index records for the table are generated in one bulk operation. This should significantly improve the overall copy phase execution time on large tables with many secondary keys — especially with MySQL 8.0.31 and later due to InnoDB's support for parallel index builds. This is logically similar to the mysqldump --disable-keys option.

--dry-run #

default false

For the SwitchTraffic, ReverseTraffic, and complete actions, you can do a dry run where no actual steps are taken but the command logs all the steps that would be taken.

--keep-data #

default false

Usually, the target tables are deleted by Cancel. If this flag is used the target tables will not be deleted.

--keep-routing-rules #

default false

Usually, any routing rules created by the workflow in the source and target keyspace are removed by Complete or Cancel. If this flag is used the routing rules will be left in place.

--max-replication-lag-allowed #

default the value used for --timeout

While executing SwitchTraffic we ensure that the VReplication lag for the workflow is less than this duration, otherwise report an error and don't attempt the switch. The calculated VReplication lag is the estimated maximum lag across workflow streams between the last event seen at the source and the last event processed by the target (which would be a heartbeat event if we're fully caught up). Usually, when VReplication has caught up, this lag should be very small (under a second).

While switching write traffic, we temporarily make the source databases read-only, and wait for the targets to catchup. This means that the application can effectively be partially down for this cutover period as writes will pause or error out. While switching write traffic this flag can ensure that you only switch traffic if the current lag is low, thus limiting this period of write-unavailability and avoiding it entirely if we're not likely to catch up within the --timeout window.

While switching read traffic this can also be used to set an approximate upper bound on how stale reads will be against the replica tablets when using @replica shard targeting.

--on-ddl #

default IGNORE

This flag allows you to specify what to do with DDL SQL statements when they are encountered in the replication stream from the source. The values can be as follows:

  • IGNORE: Ignore all DDLs (this is also the default, if a value for on-ddl is not provided).
  • STOP: Stop when DDL is encountered. This allows you to make any necessary changes to the target. Once changes are made, updating the workflow state to Running will cause VReplication to continue from just after the point where it encountered the DDL. Alternatively you may want to Cancel the workflow and create a new one to fully resync with the source.
  • EXEC: Apply the DDL, but stop if an error is encountered while applying it.
  • EXEC_IGNORE: Apply the DDL, but ignore any errors and continue replicating.

We caution against against using EXEC or EXEC_IGNORE for the following reasons:

  • You may want a different schema on the target
  • You may want to apply the DDL in a different way on the target
  • The DDL may take a long time to apply on the target and may disrupt replication, performance, and query execution while it is being applied (if serving traffic from the target)

--enable-reverse-replication #

default true

SwitchTraffic for primary tablet types, by default, starts a reverse replication stream with the current target as the source, replicating back to the original source. This enables a quick and simple rollback mechanism using ReverseTraffic. This reverse workflow name is that of the original workflow concatenated with _reverse.

If set to false these reverse replication streams will not be created and you will not be able to rollback once you have switched write traffic over to the target.

--stop-after-copy #

optional default false

If set, the workflow will stop once the Copy phase has been completed i.e. once all tables have been copied and VReplication decides that the lag is small enough to start replicating, the workflow state will be set to Stopped.

Uses #
  • If you just want a consistent snapshot of all the tables you can set this flag. The workflow will stop once the copy is done and you can then mark the workflow as Completed

--source-shards #


Comma separated shard names to reshard from.

--tablet-types #

default --vreplication_tablet_type parameter value for the tablet. --vreplication_tablet_type has the default value of "in_order:REPLICA,PRIMARY".

Source tablet types to replicate from (e.g. PRIMARY, REPLICA, RDONLY). The value specified impacts tablet selection for the workflow.

--timeout #

default 30s

For primary tablets, SwitchTraffic first stops writes on the source primary and waits for the replication to the target to catchup with the point where the writes were stopped. If the wait time is longer than timeout the command will error out. For setups with high write qps you may need to increase this value.